Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blogs From My Past, Part IV

Just as we're hitting Spring in full stride... a little tribute to Fall.

September 28, 2006 - Thursday

I love Fall... Autumn... whatever, I love it. There isn't anything you could say that could truly capture the essence of Fall. No witty quip or rhetorical slogan could ever sum up what it is to be "Autumn." I love the crisp bite in the air; the warm, sun-soaked afternoons and chilly evenings. This is the greatest time of year by far. Everything I love takes place in the Fall. Obviously I'm a nut when it comes to Halloween - the scary decorations, the movies, the Trick-or-Treating, the parties and ABOVE ALL - the costumes... oh...yeah... and my birthday. (That was my poor attempt and being coy)
I also love Thanksgiving. The smells associated with Thanksgiving are so comforting and soothing they should be considered a form of therapy. In fact, I believe that if you walk into shrink's office it should always smell of Turkey, Green Bean Casserole and Pumpkin Pie. No other day in the year will share that anticipation for food and celebration... how could you not enjoy a holiday based solely on eating and togetherness? Of course, if you're lucky enough to spend this day with family, you can always look forward to the fight or argument that will inevitably occur - the odds of this happening rise exponentially with the amount of alcohol being consumed - and there is no greater form of entertainment than an inappropriate conflict at the dinner table in front of everyone. Now if you're a football nut like me, then this is your time of year. Don your colors, hone your smack talk, and lose yourself in the battle on the field. I love football. Of course on Thanksgiving you get a double-whammy. If you're not careful, the overwhelming combination of Thanksgiving and Football can be crippling. My suggestion is to turn on the parade in an effort to distract yourself and mellow before you crack. You might want to go with Al Roker... Regis could put you over the edge. And, if you have kids or are just a big kid like me, then you have to see Santa's big finale.
The Fall, ironically, brings forth new beginnings as well. The new school year might be the most exciting day in a young person's life... as well as their parents' lives, undoubtedly. It is also the very time of year when the new television line-up occurs. Oh glorious time of year! Thank you for bringing me shows that have nothing to do with B-celebrities embarrassing themselves in an effort to salvage their pathetic careers or using their semi-familiar name to keep enough money in their pockets to keep them from having to actually get a real job. I don't want to see "what's his name" from "that show" dance, sing, lose weight, or ice skate. I want to watch a show with a plot and a thought process. Thank you, Fall, for clogging my DVR with every show I'll never have time to watch. Just seeing them there makes me happy.
Every year, just for a few months, in between blistering heat and snow dusted streets we get Fall. We get Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Pumpkin Ice Cream and Pumpkin Pie. We get to be scared and dress up in scary costumes, put out scary decorations, and carve scary faces into pumpkins. We get to put on long-sleeves and bake and go to school and rake leaves and go to the game and give thanks with family. I love Fall.

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