Sunday, March 21, 2010

Signs of Ireland

I almost forgot! This was the single most entertaining part of our trip - the signage in Ireland. We were first drawn to the exit sign. Although for some reason it took us a couple of days to figure out that it was, in fact, leading us to an exit. I guess, because the guy looks like he's running I thought of it more as an escape hatch sign or something to that effect. Need to make a quick getaway!? Follow this guy with the REALLY long leg -

We tried a dozen times to get Fashion's picture in front of it and FINALLY we were successful

Then, we noticed this sign on the bus and we were totally cracking up!

I don't know if it's the rounded qualities of the stick figure... sometimes it's the props. Perhaps it's the seriously over-exaggerated movements that our little stick friend is making. It's probably a combination of all three. Here are some we got a picture of:

Men with Shovels Ahead
Careful, this is crossing for kids with cargo pants, high-tops, and buzz cuts circa 1985
Look out! Oddly misshapen school kids might be crossing... with a tiny lunch box!

I had no idea what this sign was for at first. At first glance it might seem like - stay off the fire pit that the birds fly around - especially if you're holding a hat or book under your right arm. Turns out it's a "keep off the grass" sign

Don't climb the wall?

Fire Assembly Point for humans with bodies and/or just floating heads. The two chubby guys on the side look like they're touching the guy in the front's butt. The floating head man isn't a participant, but an innocent bystander just trying to avoid death by fire.

Seriously? What does this even mean!? I took it as "follow this path under the UFOs to find the beer." There was no beer at the end of the path.

Gangly Man Crossing

We first thought this was a crime scene... turns out it's just a life-size spray painting of a child to let you know people might be around the road. My boot is to the right to give you proportions. His father is obviously featured above - they have the same squared right toe -
Even the sticker-graffiti was confusing... I keep meaning to google this, but I'm lazy

Then there was this - They clearly didn't want anyone confusing this for a bicycle or a moped. No one on a moped would have a beard and a scarf and wear jeans and boots. No stick figure to piss off the biker community - they get an incredibly detailed sign... in COLOR. Damn. That's power.
Way more bad-ass than this guy:

The street signs were the most sought after because they were the funniest and the hardest to get to being that we were on a bus. The one sign that I tried desperately to get a shot of was the Children at Play sign which featured a little girl stick figure in a dress juggling. I will never get over missing that sign. It was the Holy Grail of street signs in Ireland.
Some day... some day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Newgrange Chopper Parking Only!
That guy's my ebay avatar. Love it.